Friday, December 2, 2016

Words used both as Adjectives and Adverbs

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Words used both as Adjectives and Adverbs
The following words may be used both as adjectives and adverbs. Some examples are given below; for more detailed information, check in a good dictionary.
Modern man leads a fast life. (Here the adjective fast modifies the noun life.)
He drove the car fast. (Here the adverb fast modifies the verb drove.)
Each of us has half ownership in the property. (Here the adjective half modifies the noun ownership.)
She was half crying, half laughing. (Here the adverb half modifies the verbs crying and laughing.)
She is half Spanish, half French. (Here the adverb half modifies the adjectives Spanish and French.)
Don’t expect to get a straight answer from her. (Here the adjective straight modifies the noun answer.)
She went straight home. (Here the adverb straight modifies the verb went.)
The train just left. (Adverb)
He arrived just in time. (Adverb)
God is just. (Adjective)
The meeting is scheduled for late evening. (Adjective)
He arrived late. (Adverb)
She worked late. (Adverb)
We are low on supplies. (Adjective)
Her voice was low. (Adjective)
She turned the gas down low. (Adverb)
The helicopter flew low over the trees. (Adverb)
This is the most expensive gadget I have bought. (Adverb)
Most people enjoy playing with kids. (Adjective)
They moved clear across the country. (Adverb)
She has a clear complexion. (Adjective)
He is very clean in his habits. (Adjective)
We want to play the game clean. (Adverb)


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