Friday, November 15, 2019

Opinion Essays

Link to Slide (Opinion Essay)

Tips on Writing an Opinion Essay:

Fact vs Opinion YouTube link:

Opinion Writing
The most important way to persuade someone to agree with what you are writing is to include strong supporting facts. Your writing will always sound better when you support what you have written with evidence or good examples.

A second way to persuade someone to agree with the ideas in your writing is to include at least one sentence with an opposing opinion (an opinion that disagrees with your point of view). At first, this might not seem like a good idea, but it is common to state one point of view that disagrees with your own point of view. This is called a counterargument. This counterargument is then followed by a statement that refutes, or reduces the counterargument. This is called a refutation because you refute the counterargument.

When you acknowledge this other opinion, you should downplay, or minimize it. One way to do this is to use weak words, such as some, may, and might, as we can see in the following example:

                 Some people might say that uniforms take away personal freedom, but students still have
                 many other ways to express themselves and their individuality.

In a good opinion paragraph, the writer:
  • states an opinion about a topic
  • provides supporting sentences with factual information
  • briefly mentions one opposing point of view (the counterargument)
  • refute the counterargument in one or two sentences (refutation)
  • finishes the paragraph with a concluding sentence that restates the topic sentence and / or offers a solution.

Read the paragraph above and answer the following questions:
1. What is the opinion of the writer about high school students volunteering? ___________________________________________________________________________

2. What is the counterargument sentence? ___________________________________________________________________________

3. What is the statement that refutes the counterargument?

4. What are the supporting facts?

5. What is the concluding sentence?

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