Friday, November 1, 2019

Writing a Narrative Essay

Steps in Writing a Narrative Essay

Narrative essays are commonly assigned pieces of writing at different stages through school. Like any story, they have a plot, conflict, and characters. It can be a fun type of assignment to write, if you approach it properly. Learn how to choose a good topic, get a solid rough draft on paper, and revise your narrative essay.

In today's lesson, you will learn how to write a Narrative essay. A narrative essay tells a story, therefore it has to have a plot, conflict, and characters.

The plot of a story is the sequence of events connected to the topic. Plot is very similar to storyline.

Conflict is usually a problem, or a challenge within the story that makes the story exciting, scary, or interesting.

Characters are the people, animals, monsters, etc., involved in the story.

For a narrative to be effective, the plot, conflict and characters must be interesting, funny, or scary, depending on the kind of story you are writing.

When writing a story for the first time, there is something called a "prompt." 

A prompt is a topic or idea that provides the starting point for your narrative.

A narrative also has a definite start, middle, and end.

The start is the introduction of your story, you set the tone, introduce the characters, establish a setting.

The middle is where you introduce the conflict. The exciting, funny, sad, or scary part of your story.

The end is the resolution. It could be a happy ending, a sad ending, or an ending that asks a question.

These are the important things to learn when writing a narrative essay.

Go to the link below for more tips on writing a Narrative Essay:

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