Saturday, October 22, 2016

Cause and Effect Sentences

In our class, our writing activity was to read the sentences and identify the cause, effect and signal words (sw). Here are the sentences and answers.

EXAMPLE: When water is heated, the molecules move quickly, therefore the water boils.
CAUSE: water heated, molecules move quicky
EFFECT: water boils
SW: therefore

1. A tornado blew the roof off the house, and as a result, the family had to find another place to live.
CAUSE: tornado blew off the roof of a house
EFFECT: family had to find a new house
SW: as a result

2. Because the alarm was not set, we were late for work.
CAUSE: alarm was not set
EFFECT: we were late for work
SW: because

3. The moon has gravitational pull, consequently the oceans have tides.
CAUSE: gravitational pull of the moon
EFFECT: oceans have tides
SW: consequently 

4. Since school was canceled, we went to the mall.
CAUSE: school was cancelled 
EFFECT: we went to the mall 
SW: since

5. John made a rude comment, so Elise hit him.
CAUSE: John made a rude comment
EFFECT: Elise hit John
SW: so

6. When the ocean is extremely polluted, coral reefs die.
CAUSE: extreme pollution in oceans
EFFECT: coral reefs die
SW: when

7. The meal we ordered was cheaper than expected, so we ordered dessert.
CAUSE: cheaper meal
EFFECT: ordered dessert
SW: so

8. Since helium rises, a helium balloon floats.
CAUSE: rising helium
EFFECT: floating baloon
SW: since

9. There has been an increase in greenhouse gases, therefore global warming is happening.
CAUSE: increase in greenhouse gases
EFFECT: global warming
SW: therefore

10. Betty completed each task perfectly, therefore she was promoted.
CAUSE: Betty completed her task
EFFECT: she was promoted
SW: therefore

11. Some believe dinosaurs died out because a large meteor hit the earth.
CAUSE: large meteor hitting the earth
EFFECT: death of dinosaurs
SW: because

12. I had to get the mop since I spilled my juice.
CAUSE: spilled juice
EFFECT: getting the mop
SW: since

13.  Tsunamis happen when tectonic plates shift.
CAUSE: shifting tectonic plates
EFFECT: tsunamis
SW: when

14. Fred was driving 75 in a 35 mile zone, therefore he got a speeding ticket.
CAUSE: driving 75 in a 35 mile zone
EFFECT: getting a speeding ticket
SW: therefore

15. Because of changes in classifications, Pluto is no longer a planet.
CAUSE: changes in classifications 
EFFECT: Pluto isn't a planet anymore
SW: because of


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