Friday, July 8, 2016

Process Topics: Sushi and Origami

Sushi: (English Language Version)


Process Paragraph Guidesheet

Process Paragraph Guidesheet

Topic Sentence: ___________________________________________________________________
Why?/How? _______________________________________________________________________________________
Then, ________________________________________________________________________________________
Why?/How? ________________________________________________________________________________________
Next, ________________________________________________________________________________________
Why?/How? ________________________________________________________________________________________
After that, ________________________________________________________________________________________
Why?/How? ________________________________________________________________________________________
Finally, ________________________________________________________________________________________
Why?/How? ________________________________________________________________________________________
Concluding Sentence:_____________________________________________________________________

Writing a Process Paragraph/Essay

A process paragraph (or essay) explains how to do something or describes or explains how something is done. The process should be described in a series of steps that follow a logical time order.
  1. Choose a topic that you have some knowledge about. It’s easier to write about something you’ve done many times before.
  2. Consider your audience. Who are you writing for and what background information does your reader need to follow the steps? Most process writing is written in second person (you). That gives your writing the feel that you are guiding another person through the steps of how to do something.
  3. Choose a topic that you can handle in a paragraph. You can’t cover how to fix the Canadian health care system in a paragraph or even an essay, but you can mange to cover how to quit smoking or how to change a bicycle tire flat.
  4. Make sure that your topic sentence clearly states what you are going to explain and also makes a point that indicates your view of your topic.
    E.g., By doing a little research and planning, you can save hundreds or even thousands of dollars on a used car.
    Avoid simply announcing your topic: e.g., This paragraph will explain how to get a deal on a used car.
  5. Include every step. If you’re explaining how to change the oil in your car and you instruct your readers to remove the plug from the oil pan to drain the oil, don’t forget to tell them to replace it before adding the new oil.
  6. Present the steps in the correct order. This helps avoid confusion.
  7. Include all necessary details and steps. At the same time, you’ll have to decide how much detail is sufficient within the limits of a paragraph.